June: Our boys took summer school classes, which in Jackson from K-6 are enrichment theme programs rather than the tutorial class type. Peyton has always loved them, he took two classes in prep for starting Middle School ( I must pause and say, "yes, I'm freaking out about starting middle school, I think my jitters may even be worse than first day of Kindergarten. I mean please Lord protect him, let him find friends who are character building and not destructive. Amen") He took an art class that allowed him to work with different mediums and some sort of computer programming class where he worked with Microsoft Publisher (another comment insert here, "Yes, my kid officially knows how to work the computer...and anything else technological...better than I do). Ian, well, let's just say we probably won't do summer school again. I see long nights of studying ahead. Rocky will have to be involved, because if we can somehow relate everything to sports we won't have any problems. He has already anounced that the only good things about starting school are his Viking back pack and P.E. It never ceases to amaze me how different, and how brilliant, they both are. I for one am slightly ready for our good old routine, and think some space between them might just ease up the constant sibiling rivalry we endure...daily...no hourly!

August...til present...: We started off by attending a Youth Ministers Conference in St. Louis, which was very inspirational and has our minds turning over how to implement exciting things into our 180 Youth Program. This weekend we traveled to Sam A. Baker State Park, and camped for 3 nights, as a last hurrah before the boys start school this upcoming week. The weather was gorgeous, we had a break in the heat and enjoyed 80 degree weather. We went hiking and swimming, my husband, let me emphasize, my husband let the boys jump off THE ROCK out at the shut ins... It is about 6-8 foot high and the water is way over my hubby's 6'2" head. I was one nervous momma, but they did it 3 times each until I called them back to more shallow waters, to still my nervously beating heart. We floated the river, which ended up being more of a walk due to this year's drought, back to the camper fried fish and made s'mores. A very good time. Now we are home and on the schedule is Sunday School, hair cuts, school supplies and shoes...
The "Lazy" Days are at an end. Insert me working part-time, Rocky's crazy summer construction schedule and well it's been a whirlwind. It has also moved slow at the same time. We are still in the hurry up and wait phase of the adoption. We don't anticipate any change until September...ugh...and so I live vicariously through other blogs and look at our Thailand adoption Facebook page daily. So to all who are like me and are saddended by nothing new to read on the blogs I follow, I hope this will suffice, for now.
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