Friday, March 22, 2013

Introducing Isabel Siriphon Strand

Our Love Day Has Arrived:  March 20,2013

(push play and wait about 30 seconds...or more...)

If you have trouble try moving the play circle back to the beginning..or just clicking randomly like I do until it decides to play!


  1. OH that is just precious ! What a blessing for the Strand family! Our girls are just a couple months apart- just like our boys:) None of whom have ever met!! Let's make that change someday!! They MUST be buddies!!

    1. For certain, we must get them all together! I teared up at the reference of "our girls" and "our boys"! We are so blessed.

  2. Oh Laura!! She is absolutely precious!!! I am crying with joy for you guys!!


  3. She is absolutely beautiful!! Congrats to you!! Hope deferred maketh the heart sick, but when the desire cometh it is a tree of life. :) So glad your desire has been fulfilled! :)

    Denise Ethridge

  4. Love, love, love the video!! She is Beautiful and I know she will be smothered in love when she comes home. Can't wait to meet her in person. Sandi

  5. I LOVE IT! So stinkin' excited for you guys. You've endured an agonizing part of the wait, and now you can sleep with your baby girl's face on your mind. And the video was just precious--I've always loved that Christina Perry song and it was very popular when we endured the last 6 months of our wait before travel, so it always brings tears to my eyes! Waiting this last stretch with you, and just know the day WILL come when you hold her close! -Jen T.

  6. What a sweet way to introduce your daughter! Thank you for sharing.
    Kelly (a member of the FB group :) )
