I confess, I am not much of a runner. Okay, truth, I HATE to run. Aerobics, Pilates, Body Pump, bring it: run...ugh. So, me running a 5K marks a significant milestone in my life. With so many friends and family members coming to run and walk to support us, I was determined to finish as well as I could. Obviously I survived (in 36 min no less, not bad for this anti-runner), but emotions I hadn't prepared for hit me when I crossed the finish line. Tears started streaming down my face, and my worried husband (who finished a good 10 minutes before) kept saying, "Are you okay, you need to walk it off". For several minutes I was too overcome, or maybe just too out of breath, to respond to him. I finally managed to pant out, "I'm just being emotional!" He just grinned and pulled me into a (very sweaty) hug. Fact: I would gladly run 5K every day to bring our girl home.
Our team did great! Ian placed first in his age division, and 10th overall finishing in 25 minutes. Peyton placed 2nd in his age division and 18th overall finishing in 27 min! Way to go Big Brothers! Uncle Travis and Uncle Dakota both medaled as well, and our friend (a.k.a. Travis' girlfriend;) also brought home the gold! My friend Cindy ran the 10 K (whew) and placed first in her age division.

A group of adoptive moms from around the world.
Our support from our family was so special.
Starting out
Emy, a fellow therapist and friend ran with me the whole race and kept me going!
Cindy Drewett, long time friend, kicked butt in the 10 K
Peyton came to run with us for the final lap!
The devoted walkers Big Brothers, so proud
It was such a joyful moment, albeit an emotional one crossing the finish line. (On a side note how does he look so good after doing all that running?)
Many others bought T-shirts to help support us. The grant will be sent to Holt and I can't wait to decrease those numbers even more over there on the side column. We are getting soooo close, both financially and in actuality of travel. Soooo close it's a little nerve racking to say the least.
We are coming baby girl, we are coming!
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