Saturday, April 27, 2013

Headline News: Update on Isabel

After days of compulsively checking my email, we received our update on Isabel.  They only do updates every four months so I'm feeling a little spoiled that we received our referral info last month and an update this month, but the joy of it all has me feeling a bit giddy right now.  The info is so precious to us, but I promise not to be offended if you just scroll down to the pictures:)

The update is actually from February 14...a month before we had seen her little face.  Here's what we know about Isabel (S) at 14 months:  she weighs 9.5 kg or 21 lbs, she is 76 cm/2 ft 6 in tall, her head and chest circumference are both 47 cm, she is walking well and likes to climb, she is potty trained (uh huh doing a little dance! although they prepared us she may regress), she still takes 4 8oz bottles a day, naps every day at 10 for three hours, she now has 4 teeth on bottom and 4 on top. 

As thrilled as I was to learn about all of that, I absolutely ate up all the info they gave me about "her".  Her foster mother says she is a cheerful little girl, and always in a good mood.  She demonstrates a stubborn side too, they are trying to train her to drink from a cup which apparently she doesn't like so she refuses to do it, but if given the straw she insists on she has no trouble at all.  She likes to play with her foster brother and sister, who are older one is 13/14 the other 11/12, which Peyton and Ian are excited about.  They reported that she likes music, and to play peek a boo, and "cell phone"!  I know, what?!  Thinking the older kiddos have something to do with this.  The social worker commented that she loved having her picture taken, so we may have a diva on our hands.

Such a sweetie
The pouty face
I just can't wait to get to know her, and for her to know us.  First approval please please come soon.
Such gorgeous eyes
 Pictures of the first care package we sent.  It had to weigh less than one pound and fit flat in a gallon ziploc bag.  I did manage to squeeze in a head band and ruffly white hat at the last minute.  The sparkly pink album is pictures of our family, hopefully she will start to be familiar with our faces.  We can't send another one till the end of June (sigh, sigh, sigh...)


  1. How lovely to get such a fun glimpse of her sweet personality!

  2. I LOVE her "Diva" picture. WOW - Potty trained at 14 months, I have a 3 1/2 year old that is just now doing the potty thing. If this is a Thai thing - maybe something I can get used to. :)

    Lisa Levi
