Peyton's Birthday Letter At 13
Whoa! When did it happen? It is so difficult to fathom that my baby boy, my first born is thirteen years old.
I am so proud of you son. You are growing so tall, taller than me, and your voice is deepening into maturity. And we are starting to have real conversations, I mean the serious ones like dreams and goals, priorities and plans. Here are just a few things about you at thirteen, I want to always remember.
You still love to read. We are starting to read some of the same books, and it connects us in a way that I cherish.
You like hot tea. You prefer black, but since its caffienated you drink more herbal teas, your fave is Apple Spice (because yes too much caffeine is not a good thing!)
You can't wait to be old enough to go on a Missions trip. Fifteen is the magic number and you are counting down the years. I could not be prouder that this is on your list of things you want to do.
You currently see robotics or computer engineering in your future, and talk about working for NASA like its a sure thing. Your grades reflect your intelligence, but you really don't study too hard...your brain is still absorping info like a sponge with no sign of running out of space.
You like cool cars, and these are convos you have with your daddy...I can't even begin to try to write which ones you really like. Very limited knowledge in your mother!
You have become a fish. You are on a swim team, Cape County Castaways and are breaking your personal records every meet.
You also have discovered pole vaulting. You tried track team this year and pole vaulting has become your thing. I'm not nervous about this at all.
Your smile melts my heart, and I still see my little boy hidden in those eyes. I know we have some craziness ahead of us, but don't ever question or forget how much I love you. Dad too!
You had a swim party with a lot of your buddies to celebrate!

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